6 Nov 2024

New BirdWatch functionality: Comprehensive integration for electric vehicles

Quercus Technologies keeps innovating to offer solutions that adapt to the changing needs of parking facility operators. With the new functionality of our BirdWatch parking software, we are taking another step in the integration of electric vehicles into our parking facility monitoring and management systems.BW_5

The BirdWatch parking system not only connects to payment terminals, now it can also be integrated with electrical chargers, creating a fluid experience for electric vehicle users and improved management for parking facility operators. With this new functionality, users can know how long the vehicle has been charging in real time, and how long it has been parked without charging (lead time), providing operators with a comprehensive, detailed view. 

The BirdWatch EVC functionality makes it possible to know what is happening in each charging space, in detail, both in terms of parking as well as the use of the charger. This facilitates efficient management and maximizes profitability, especially in facilities where major investments have been in fast-chargers. This ensures that these resources are used in an optimal, profitable manner.

Challenges in ticketless parking facilities and our innovative solution 

In parking facilities that use ticket-based systems, the process is clear. When the ticket is presented to the payment terminal, the system accurately indicates the time that the vehicle has been charging, enabling optimal management of the electric-charging parking spaces.

What about ticketless parking facilities?

Management of ticketless parking facilities brought out a common challenge. How can the machine know how many hours the vehicle has been charging, or if, on the other hand, it has been parked but not charging?

The SC Indoor parking sensor can detect the vehicle and read its license plate. Then, the electric charger complies data on the charge. This information is transmitted through the API to the payment terminal. The inter-relation of data enables the creation of an accurate real-time record of the time that the car has been parked and charging, optimizing management and control of electric vehicle parking, and ensuring that charging spaces are used as efficiently as possible.

Another challenge faced by ticketless parking facility operators is the risk of users entering license numbers of other vehicles in the parking facility to gain access to charging. Although many chargers have their own app to manage charging, this solution depends on mobile network coverage, which is not always available in underground parking areas. Ensuring coverage throughout an entire parking facility is expensive. But with our system it isn't necessary. Integrating the guidance sensors and automatic license plate recognition, this problem is averted, because the vehicle that is using the charging station is reliably authenticated. This guarantees comprehensive monitoring capability. 

Incident detection: Uncharged, incorrectly parked vehicle

This functionality can also detect anomalies, like vehicles parked in a charging space that are not using the charger. This detection capacity not only helps maximize the efficient use of charging stations. It also diminishes the frustration of drivers looking for a free space, ensuring that they are always available for users who need them to charge their vehicles.

Companies also face another challenge: employees with electric company cars. How can companies be sure the employee is charging their company car and not their own vehicle? With the guidance system, the SC Indoor sensor recognizes the license plate and prevents this fraud, ensuring that only authorized vehicles can use company charging stations.

This functionality also has a direct impact on the performance and return on investment made by parking facility operators. By optimizing the use of charging spaces and reducing idle time of electric chargers, operators can significantly improve vehicle rotation and with it, the revenue generated. The system also facilitates more efficient resource management.

A comprehensive solution for parking facilities of the future

Our goal is to equip parking operators with smart tools that not only improve the user experience, but also contribute to sustainability and efficiency of their daily operations.

With the integration of electric chargers into the BirdWatch system, Quercus Technologies is offering a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of parking facility users and operators. From charging management and time monitoring to incident detection and resource optimization, we are building the infrastructure that will help parking facilities adapt to the demands of a new era of electric mobility.


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