The license plate recognition by Quercus Technologies in Barrio Independencia Mall
There are 10 access lanes to Barrio Independencia Mall from Olivos and Echeverría Streets in Santiago de Chili. And there are also 10 SmartLPR Access license plate recognition units by Quercus Technologies installed in the parking facilities.
The All-in-One units include everything needed for the license plate reading in the very unit. These equipment made by Quercus Technologies, with their high and well-proven recognition rate, are now part of the long list of references our Detection Division has.
Barrio Independencia Mall, opened in 2018 and located on Independencia Avenue, is a meeting point in Santiago de Chili Northern area. An important commercial center in the neighborhood, with more than 150 shops and lots of past time activities, amusements areas and various services.
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