The offices choose Quercus Technologies for their security and access control: now, in I&M Bank, in Nairobi
The ANPR system allows access to the parking facilities for the registered vehicles, whose license plates have been previously registered in the database. The automation based on white lists is a feature more and more appreciated by the owners of the corporate buildings for offices, agencies or banks. This explains why these types of buildings from all over the world choose to install SmartLPR Access cameras, developed by Quercus Technologies. These LPR cameras improve the traffic flow of staff’s vehicles, reducing the queue, thus avoiding the loss of time and now, more than ever, prevent from touching any external surfaces, with the help of the automation.
Our Detection Division has in America lots of references such as San Leandro Business Park in California, Torre Reforma Building in Mexico City, L’Oréal Business Centre in São Paulo and Costanera Business Center in Chili. In Europe, the list of references is even longer, with installations such as Cepsa Tower in Madrid, Sofía Business Center or Sephora Headquarters in Paris, just to name a few. Big corporations worldwide also choose Quercus Technologies to control the access into their offices; one example is Intel with their offices in Petah Tikva, Israel, in the office building INTEL PTK1.
I&M business entity also installs LPR cameras by Quercus Technologies in their offices in Nairobi
The most important commercial bank in Kenya and the biggest one in the East Africa Community choose the LPR cameras developed by Quercus Technologies to control the access points to the parking facilities serving the building. The cameras recognize the license plate of the vehicles that go into the parking garages, comparing them to the ones registered on the white lists as staff. If the license plate is on the list, the barrier is automatically opened without the need of a ticket. The time decrease at entry/exit of the office building is enough reason to invest in a smart parking system. Moreover, it allows to perform a control and an hourly control of the vehicles, and thus, of their owners.
Header photo by SE9 London
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